Rorschmap: a kaleidoscopic view of online maps.
Rorschmap ceased to function c. 2019 due to changes in the way the web works. A restored version, with reduced functionality, went online in 2021.
Rorschmap went online on Friday July 29th, 2011. Over the first weekend it attracted over 30,000 visitors. Over the following week this passed 100,000 visitors and was featured on La Repubblica, BoingBoing, Laughing Squid, Kottke, Notcot, Waxy, Geekosystem, Gizmodo, Buzzfeed, Reddit, Der Spiegel, The Daily What, Metafilter, CreativeJS, Coudal, It's Nice That, and hundreds of other sites.
Kevin Kelly: "I've not had such a good time wasting a few hours on the internet as I just spent generating these incredible abstractions of Google Maps."